We are committed to managing the environmental impact of our activities responsibly.
Johan Giskeødegård AS shall:
- Strive for the most environmentally friendly operation possible in relation to its context and available resources.
- Protect the external environment by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, substituting pollutants, reducing resource consumption and increasing the use of sustainable and eco-labelled products.
- On an ongoing basis, identify measures that help prevent and reduce negative impacts on the natural environment from damage and degradation due to our activities, deliveries and services.
- Set stricter environmental requirements than legal requirements and other requirements where technically and economically feasible, and actively follow up that we at all times comply with legal requirements and other requirements in relation to our impact on the external environment.
- Stimulate increased environmental awareness at all levels of the company through procedures, training and information.
- Ensure that our employees and partners perform their tasks in accordance with the company's environmental policy and goals.
- Cooperate with authorities, owners and organisations, so that our environmental work corresponds to society's environmental goals.
- Evaluate the environmental management system and objectives at regular intervals with the aim of improving both the system and environmental performance.
- Set goals and targets for environmental work with priority for the most important environmental aspects.
ISO 14001:2015 (pt. 5.2)